At The Living Room Reloaded


Welcome to the Perfect Day / Cymbals

2019-07-14 | Compilation
私事ではありますが、先月引越しをしました。前の家には8年くらい住んでいたので、新しい場所での生活にはまだ不慣れな部分もありますが、ボチボチやっていこうと思います。ブログに関してはまぁマイペースに。基本あまり更新はしないつもりですが、時々思い出したようにアップしていくかもしれませんので、気になる方はたまにはチェックしてみてください。さてさて、本日は引越し前から少しずつ作っていたシンバルズのマイベスト。一般的な知名度とはそれほどでもないですが、音楽好きの間では当時から人気のあるバンドですね。僕自身はラストシングルとなったLove Thingの頃に、クラブ経由でたどり着いたので、ぎりぎり解散前に彼らの音楽に出会っています。まずはいつもの通りトラックリスト。

1. Kids Are Alright (from the album "Respect!" / 2001)
2. Love You (from the album "requests!" / 2003)
3. River Deep, Mountain High (from the album "Mr.Noone Special" / 2000)
4. For Escapees ~逃亡者に告ぐ~ (from the compilation "rabid chords" / 1999)
5. This Year's Gear (from the single "Highway Star, Speed Star" / 2000)
6. Hey, Leader! (from the album "Mr.Noone Special" / 2000)
7. Higher than the Sun (from the single "Higher than the Sun e.p. / 2001)
8. Swing, Swing, Swing! (from the single "Higher than the Sun e.p. / 2001)
9. Wingspan (from the single "Wingspan" / 2002)
10. アメリカの女王 (from the album "Love You" / 2003)
11. Sailing Song (from the album "Love You" / 2003)
12. April Thief Man (from the album "Missile & Chocolate" / 1998)
12. Love Thing (from the single "Love Thing" / 2002)
13. December's Children (from the single "My Brave Face" / 1999)
14. Low Cost, Low Price & High Return (from the album "Mr.Noone Special" / 2000)
15. All You Need Is Word (from the album "Mr.Noone Special" / 2000)
16. Baumkuchen (from the album "Sine" / 2002)
17. Satellite Sings (from the album "Sine" / 2002)
18. Floatage (from the album "Sine" / 2002)
18. Keith & the Moon (from the single "Higher than the Sun e.p. / 2001)
19. Star Collector (from the album "Sine" / 2002)
20. Show Business (Cafe Spur Remix) (from the remix album "Well-done" / 2001)
21. Cucumber! (from the album "requests!" / 2003 )
22. Family Bond & One Dog (from the album "Love You" / 2003)
23. Out of Order (from the single "Do You Believe In Magic" / 2000)
24. Visualized! (from the VHS "visualized!" / 2000)

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