

3月21日 連休2日目はNOVAからのキックからのダック

2020-03-21 17:52:35 | キックボクシング

It was the second of consecutive holidays today.
Since I went to NOVA today,I wrote this Blog in English like usual.
I got up at 6:30(but an alarm clock was set at 5:00 and worked) and started studying English from 7:00.
・スラスラ瞬間英作文(おかわりスラスラ話すための) 30分
・DUO3.0 30分
・究極の英語リスニングvol.1 90分
・でる順パス単英検準1級 30分
Thanks to being continuous studying listening,I am starting to regain confidence with English recently.
So I could talk to the teacher aggressively in NOVA.

After NOVA lesson,I went to Kickboxing gym.
I was hitting mitt in two round in a row for the first time.
one-two! one-two!
It was a very hard trainning for my weak lung but I was satisfyed with it. This was so Boxing!
I really felt doing practicing boxing!
・なわとび 3分x3R
・シャドウ 3分x2R
・サンドバック 3分x2R
・ミット打ち 3分x2R 
・サンドバック 3分x2R
After I went back home played with my duck. She looked happy because of warmy day.
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