

10月31日 久々にNOVA -hopping 3校

2020-10-31 20:54:15 | 英語学習・英会話
今日はNOVAハシゴと、松屋のステーキ丼(並) (*^^)v

I got up at 6:30 and started studying English at 7:15.
◆studying English:朝勉
・increasing vocabulary:DUO3.0 90分
・listening:TOEICTESTリスニングTARGET600 60分

I went to NOVA schools in Yotsukaido, in Nishi-Funabashi, and in Funabashi
today. I call it "NOVA-hopping" like "bar-hopping".
Although I've been to Funabashi station many times, this time, I found out
the place of the school in Funabashi for the first time.

When my English condition is something bad, I do this event to stimulate me
as a training.

There are a lot of students have their own purposes to study English in other
schools too. I get a great stimulation to hear that, and also to talk to other
teachers I've never met before.

But NOVA hopping's demerits are that we students and teacher have to introduce
ourselves each other if we first meet, they take too time so I think them in vain.
I don't want to bother other students by ocupying their time.

By the way, today's lunch was a steak bowl in Matsuya as a reward for myself.
・acclaimed(形)高く評価された  (動)喝采を送る、喝采で迎える
・stand-up comedian (演技よりしゃべりが主の)漫談家
・tycoon (財界の)実力者、大物
・hands-on 実技、実地の
・ace (動)高得点を取る、楽々合格する
・rash (形)軽率な、気の早い (名)発疹
・rush(動)急ぐ (名)急ぐこと
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