karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

What a nice father!

2019-02-11 14:10:00 | ノンジャンル
While I was walking along Tamagawa-josui
this morning, I met a young father
who was going for a walk with a dog.

The young father was carrying a baby
on his back.

Another young boy was walking with him.

What a peaceful scene!
What a nice father!

I spoke to him and we stopped
to have a short talk.

He said, smiling, “I love walking here
with my sons and dog.

My wife is very busy,
so I take care of them whenever I can.”

He seemed to be a kind and mild father.

His sons were both smiling at me.

Even the white dog was looking up at me

They made me so happy.
What a happy encounter I had!