karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on the last day of February, 2019

2019-02-28 21:11:00 | ノンジャンル
It rained all day long.

It was very cold today.

The wet weather makes me somewhat
lonely. Why?

Is it because I'm getting older?

According to the weather forecast,
it will be a fine and warm day tomorrow.

We are now in spring here in Tokyo,
I guess.

Spring has come earlier than usual.

Cherry blossoms will bloom earlier
than usual.

In my neighborhood, there is a street
with cherry trees on either side— 桜通り.

I wonder when the 桜まつり will be held here
this year.


Today, I received a letter from Anne,
my pen pal in America.

How glad I am to know she is getting