karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to ‘NIKON PLAZA Shinjuku’

2013-06-12 21:59:00 | ノンジャンル
I went to ‘NIKON PLAZA Shinjuku’ to see my friend's
photos displayed in its Photo Square yesterday.

(Shinjuku, from 28th floor)

She is a member of 能楽写真家協会 and 日本写真家連盟.

Her photos were all amazing!

Her photos reminded me of those words such as Quietness,
Being, Prayer or Everlasting.(静寂・存在・祈り・悠久)

Then I went to Nikon Salon on the same floor, where
I saw photos by two photographers.

I realized I know nothing of the photo.

to Kitayama Park in Higashi-murayama

2013-06-10 11:17:00 | ノンジャンル
I got up late yesterday morning and took a good rest.

After having lunch, I went to enjoy sweet flags,
しょうぶ, in Kitayama Park in Higashi-murayama
by myself.

Higashi-murayama is not far away from Kodaira.

It's my third visit to Kitayama Park since I got to live
in Tokyo.

I knew 菖蒲まつりstarted on June 8.

There were many refreshment stands at the gate.

Sweet flags in Kitayama Park were at their best.

There were many people enjoying the flowers.

I walked around the park enjoying the beautiful flowers.

On the way back to Higashi-murayama Station,
I bought two bunches of spinach at a roadside
vegetable stand.

I walked 15306 steps in a day.

Sports Day at koharu's junior high school

2013-06-09 11:16:00 | ノンジャンル
We are now in the rainy season.
But we have little rain here in Tokyo.

It was a fine and nice day for sports yesterday.

体育大会 at koharu’s junior high school was held
in the playground.

koharu, my granddaughter, is a second year student.

I stayed there and enjoyed koharu's Sports Day
from the beginning to the last.

The brass band club played music of Entrance March.
koharu played the oboe.

koharu's junior high school is a small public school.

Every student seemed acting rightly, responsibly
and positively.

I was happy to see them.

All people there seemed to be enjoying 体育大会 very much.

I'd like to thank all the teachers and staff for carrying out
the education of their students.

going out for dinner

2013-06-07 23:11:00 | ノンジャンル
HK-san, who lives next to my former apartment,
sent me an email asking if I’d like to go out for
dinner last evening.
“Yes, let's!” I answered the email.

We had dinner at a restaurant in Kokubunji.

HK-san's husband passed away so suddenly
and she came to her parents' home from Kyushu.

She is now taking care of her old parents,
her father is around 90 and her mother around 85..

She is always doing her best to take care of them.
She needs to take a short rest.

We were feeling refreshed after talking over dinner
---for two hours.