karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

movie 「奇跡のリンゴ」

2013-06-25 23:00:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I went to Fuchu City by bus
and saw a Japanese movie 「奇跡のリンゴ」.

This movie is based on a true story.

It is a story of Mr. Akinori Kimura.
He is an apple farmer in Aomori.

He and his family endured hardship patiently for years
and finally succeeded in raising chemical-free apples.

How many times did I brush the tears away?
Yes, I was touched to tears by the movie.

After the movie, I visited Ōkunitama Shrine (大國魂神社).

First I cleansed my hands.
Then I went through 茅の輪.

I prayed silently at the main shrine.

I enjoyed walking about thirty minutes
along the 国分寺街道 and then took a bus.

I saw my favorite flower くちなしon the way back.

I walked 14172 steps in a day.