karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

koharu's family will fly to Ohita, Kyushu

2010-08-13 22:19:00 | ノンジャンル
Tomorrow koharu's family will go to Ohita by plane.

They will stay at koharu's father's parents' home
until August 21.

While they are in Kyushu, I think I will stay
at koharu's home at night in order to take care
of their pets, koharu's hamster Maro-chan
and her brother's goldfish Donald.

It has been awfully hot not only for us but also
for the pets.

I am afraid it will be too hot in the living room
where their pets live, especially during the night.

So I will stay and sleep in the living room
of koharu's house.

I will care for your pets during your absence,

Enjoy your days in Ohita to the full!

(today's photos---in the nearby farm)
(nobody picks these chestnuts or grapes)

visiting my parents' grave

2010-08-11 19:26:00 | ノンジャンル
The day before yesterday, I left my apartment
at half past eight in the morning.

It was raining but I was glad it was not hot at all.
I hurried to Tokyo Station and took the Joetsu Shinkansen.

I got off at Nagaoka Station at noon.
Alas! how hot and muggy in Nagaoka!

I met my good old friend there, took lunch with her and
enjoyed talking a lot.

After saying good bye to her, I took a bus for Tochio.
It took me about an hour to get to Tochio by bus.

I stayed overnight in Tochio.

My parents' grave is in a village deep in the mountains.
It stands on the hill in the village.

I'm afraid the day will come when I'll find it very difficult
to go up the hill to stand at my parents' grave.

I believe my parents are there and they are waiting for me.

Anyway, I was happy I could visit my parents' grave.


(from Nagaoka Station)

koharu's summer concert 2010

2010-08-07 23:54:00 | ノンジャンル
Today koharu enjoyed playing the piano on the stage.

First she played a piano solo--「古いフランスの歌」
composed by Tchaikovsky.

Next she played the piano to her father's soprano
saxophone and mother's alto saxophone--「旅愁」.

It is 200 years since Schumann was born.
koharu likes Schumann very much, she says.

She played a solo again--「シシリアふうに」「楽しき農夫」
and 「はじめての悲しみ」 composed by Schumann.

You did very well, koharu.

3rd harmonica volunteering in 2010

2010-08-05 22:32:00 | ノンジャンル
In the morning we, 12 members of Harmonica Circle,
practiced playing the 15 songs on the harmonica.

Some of us had lunch at a restaurant named のらや.
It was my first time to have lunch there.

The restaurant looked like a farmer's house
and I had to take off my shoes at the door.
The restaurant was large and crowded.

I hear のらや is famous in Kansai District.
There are three のらや in Tokyo, I hear.

After lunch we went to a nursing home for the aged
and played 15 songs on the harmonica.

・夕焼けこやけ  ・しゃぼん玉  ・村祭り  ・我は海の子
・かかし  ・椰子の実  ・夏の思い出  ・港
・浜辺の歌  ・手のひらを太陽に  ・お江戸日本橋
・五木の子守唄  ・南国土佐を後にして  ・長崎の鐘

Elderly people there looked tired by the summer heat
but I was glad to see them singing songs to our harmonica.


2010-08-03 10:37:00 | ノンジャンル
My quilt teacher assigned some summer homework.
I have one lesson a month, and my next class will be at
the end of September.

It will be OK if only I have finished my homework
by the end of September.

But I was afraid I'd forget what and how I should do
with my homework.

So I finished my homework-- listening to music!
It took me a lot of hours --15 hours in three days.

It made my neck and shoulders stiff.
I knew needle work was too tough for me.

How glad I am to be free from my homework!

Can you guess what I am making?

I've just finished washing, cleaning
and practicing playing the harmonica.
(too many ~ings!)

I'm now feeling completely relaxed.

Have a good day.

(keyaki I like so much)