karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

flower named 'Four o'clock'

2008-07-10 23:34:57 | ノンジャンル
I went shopping at a supermarket in the evening
--around 6:00p.m.

I saw oshiroi-bana along tamagawa-josui.
I know oshiroi-bana is called 'Four o'clock' in English.
Is it because that oshiroi-bana's buds open around 4:00p.m.?


ko・so・a・do words

2008-07-09 08:44:45 | ノンジャンル
My granddaughter, koharu, said to me,
"I'm afraid you are using too many ko・so・a・do words.
Are you all right? I hope you'll live as long as possible
with a good memory, Grandma."

I said to her, "Oh, I'm sorry. You don't understand me.
I'll try not to use ko・so・a・do words,
though it may be very difficult for me. "

koharu is making great progress with her Japanese.
karin is getting old and trying hard to catch up with her.

(mizuhiki, this morning, in front of my apartment)

chestnut orchard

2008-07-03 21:44:30 | ノンジャンル
On my way to the community center,
there is a big chestnut orchard.
I like this place very much.
I always stop here to look up the skies.

Today I was surprised to find that chestnuts
were already growing bigger.

The seasons come round very quickly at my age.
Time really flies.

tour of Yamagata (4)

2008-07-01 10:36:59 | ノンジャンル
I enjoyed picking cherries at a fruit farm in Tendo City.
Fresh cherries were so delicious!

Then I visited Jion-ji Temple in Sagae City.
I tolled the bell.
I was deeply moved by its profound ringing.

On the way home most passengers on the bus
were sleeping but I was looking out of the bus window.
I enjoyed the changing skies.

I had a good box supper in my bus.

I came back to my apartment in Tokyo late last night.
I was tired but felt so happy and grateful.