karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Wednesday English Class

2011-06-15 22:48:00 | ノンジャンル
I registered as a student at Wednesday English Class
by Kodaira International Friendship Association---
16 lessons for the first term of the year 2011.

Wednesday English Class started on April 13 and
today I had the 9th lesson.

There are 18 students ---one gentleman and 17 ladies.

Most of them are younger than I.

Our teacher is a lady from Australia.
She is a mother of two daughters.

She gives us some homework every week.

She is a very good teacher.

I have to write a recipe in English about one of my
favorite dishes.

I have to turn in my homework by the end of this month.

I enjoy both Wednesday English Class and Friday English
Circle very much.

I really like learning English.

(What flower is this? I saw it on the way to English Class.)

Thanks to attchan-san, this flower proved to be
"Honey suckle," スイカズラ or 「忍冬(ニンドウ)」.

(a bakery where I bought a loaf of delicious bread
and freshly baked rolls)