karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Thank you, Grandson!

2011-06-19 00:15:00 | ノンジャンル
My grandson is in the third year in high school.

He is a member of the brass band club.

He plays the trumpet.

Today they gave their 'Brass Band Regular Concert.'

The hall was full of more than 1400 people.

It was a touching concert.

Everybody on the stage looked brilliant.

Everybody on the stage looked happy.

Everybody on the stage was enjoying music.

What a wonderful time I had!

Thank you so much, Grandson.



Part Ⅰ Classical music

・マーチ「ライヴリーアヴェニュー」、、、、堀田庸元 作曲
・ヒム・オブ・ブラザーフッド、、、、E・V・フロニンゲン 作曲
・ハンガリー狂詩曲第二番、、、、、フランツ・リスト 作曲

Part Ⅱ Stage Drill 2011

・オープニング アルヴァマー序曲
・Percussion Soli
・エンディング  Best Friend

Part Ⅲ Pop music

・The Lion King
・We Are the World


・My Way

(lily I saw in the neighborhood)