karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

open week at koharu's school

2011-06-01 10:52:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu's elementary school is a community school.
Many volunteers in the community help teachers
in classes or school activities.

Now it is 学校公開週間 at koharu's school.
Anyone in the community is allowed to visit her
school and observe any class, if he/she is interested
in her school.

Yesterday I went to her school and observed 2 classes,
math. and Japanese.

In math class, students were trying to find ways of
solving a problem. There were some ways to lead
to an answer.

In Japanese class, students were learning how to debate
on a subject.

I was glad to know that students were learning--
"to think is very important."

I remembered Pascal's words:

L'homme n'est qu'un roseau, le plus faible de la nature;
mais c'est un roseau pensant.(written in French)


I hope the aim of education will not be entering so-called
good colleges.

It is cloudy with intermittent rain.
Yes, we are now in the rainy season.