karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

northern France (13)

2011-01-03 21:46:00 | ノンジャンル
ancient castles in Loire #4 (ロワール地方の古城)
Chateau de Chambord (シャンボール城)

Now we got to Chateau de Chambord!
The double-helix staircase is said to be designed
by Leonardo da Vinci.

Around 7:00 on Christmas Eve we arrived in Paris.
I was excited to see the lighted Eiffel Tower.

(from my bus window)

northern France (12)

2011-01-03 21:40:00 | ノンジャンル
ancient castles in Loire #3 (ロワール地方の古城)
Chateau de Chambord (シャンボール城)
Saying good bye to Chenonceau, we boarded our bus
and started for another ancient castle Chateau de Chambord.

(on the way)

Before visiting Chateau de Chambord, we had lunch at a
I'm sorry I always forget taking pictures of meals.

northern France (10)

2011-01-03 21:17:00 | ノンジャンル
ancient castles in Loire #1 (ロワール地方の古城)

Chateau de Amboise (アンボワーズ城)
Chateau de Chenonceau (シュノンソー城)
On the morning of Christmas Eve we left the hotel by bus.
It was eight o'clock and it was still dark.

On the way I saw Chateau de Amboise.

We arrived at Chateau de Chenonceau in one hour or so.
We got off the bus and entered the castle.

northern France (9)

2011-01-03 21:09:00 | ノンジャンル
in Tours (トゥール市内)
We got into Tours around 7:00 p.m.
We walked around the city before going to the hotel.


Tours is said to be a very good city to live in.
So many students from abroad come here to study.
Tours is not so expensive as Paris, our guide said.

We had dinner at the hotel around eight.