

Modern Love Season 2 Soundtrack / Days Like This - Van Morrison 1995 

2021-09-07 | 音楽で振返る90年代
 Amazon Primeで気に入って観ていたModern LoveにSeason2が追加された。その第一話はこれは英国の話だろうか。(撮影が行われたのはアイルランドのダブリン近郊だそうです。それにしても美しい景色です。)夫を病気で亡くして今は別のパートナーと暮らす主人公。家計を改善するために前夫が大切にしていた形見の古いスポーツカーを手放すことにしたのだが、、、

 ブルーが印象的なこの車は70年代に生産されたTriumph Stagですね。残念ながらこの車は日本では見かけたことがないかなぁ。このエピソードの最後に流れる曲がヴァン・モリソンのこの曲。これは心に響きます。

When it's not always raining there'll be days like this
When there's no one complaining there'll be days like this
When everything falls into place like the flick of a switch
Oh, my mama told me, "There'll be days like this"

When you don't need to worry there'll be days like this
When no one's in a hurry there'll be days like this
When all the parts of the puzzle start to look like they fit
Then I must remember there'll be days like this

When you don't need an answer there'll be days like this
When you don't meet a chancer there'll be days like this
When you don't get betrayed by that old Judas kiss
And I must remember there'll be days like this

When everyone is up front and they're not playing tricks
When you don't have no freeloaders out to get their kicks
When it's nobody's business the way that you wanna live
Oh, my mama told me, "There'll be days like this"

When no one steps on my dreams there'll be days like this
People understand what I mean there'll be days like this
When you ring out the changes of how everything is
Oh, my mama told me, "There'll be days like this"

Oh, my mama told me, "There'll be days like this"
Oh, my mama told me, "There'll be days like this"
Oh, my mama told me, "There'll be days like this"
Oh, my mama told me, "There'll be days like this"

chancer = 得になるならどんな機会でも利用する人
freeloader = 他人の気前のよさにつけこむ人
to get one's kicks = 快感を味わう
everything falls into place like the flick of a switch = すべてがバッチリうまくいく


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