

Bobby Sherman - Easy Come Easy Go 1970

2011-10-11 | 音楽で振返る70年代

 ふと想い出してしまったオールディーズ。ベトナム戦争当時にはやったアイドルの一曲です。"Easy Come Easy Go" とは簡単に手に入ったものは直ぐに出ていく、といった意味で、男と女、あるいはお金のことを指すようです。

I'm taking the shade out of the sun
Whatever made me think that I was number one
I ought to know easy come easy go
Sittin' it out I'm spinnin' the dial
Thinkin' about the chump I've been I have to smile
Didn't I know easy come easy go
She wasn't kind I wasn't smart
I lost my mind and fell apart
I had to find myself in time
Now I can start all over again
Just Hangin' around takin' it slow
So happy I found I still can smile and dig the show
Lettin' me know easy come easy go

chump = バカなまね

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