

2010年 航空機事故増えた

2011-01-09 19:40:29 | 航空業界


Airline-Crash Deaths Rose 13% in 2010, Study Reveals

Jan. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Airliner crashes killed 828 people last year, 13 percent more than in 2009, as the number of fatal accidents rose by five to 28, a study released today shows.


The fatality figure was 4 percent worse than last decade’s annual average of 794 deaths, aviation consultant Ascend said in a report. The highest toll involved a Boeing Co. 737 flown by Air India Express, which overshot the runway on landing in Mangalore in May, killing 152 passengers and six crew.


While the four worst crashes, accounting for 472 deaths, or 65 percent of the total, involved western-built jets, they also featured carriers from emerging economies where infrastructure is more basic, precision-landing gear may be absent, the natural environment is often hazardous and corporate oversight is less developed, Ascend safety director Paul Hayes said from London.


“Worldwide, you have an accident rate of a bit more than one for every million flights,” Hayes said in a telephone interview. “But if you look at Western Europe or North America it’s probably closer to one in 15 million.”


Airports Lacking

While modern planes have instruments that offer the pilot a “glide path” and guidance on the altitude at each stage of the approach, such gear only works if a terminal is equipped with reciprocal technology. Studies have shown that about three- quarters of instrument-landing systems are in Western Europe and North America, and that accidents on landing are eight or nine times more likely at airports lacking the equipment, Hayes said.


Even with last year’s numbers, the long-term safety trend among airlines is positive, with fatal accidents in the decade just ended averaging 27.2 a year, down from 37.6 in the 1990s. 2009 was the safest year on record, with 731 deaths.


“Air safety is still improving, and this has resulted in 100 fewer fatal accidents during that last decade than in the 1990s,” Hayes said.




