

6月28日 初めて作った鳥の唐揚げ

2020-06-28 20:23:47 | お料理

I got up at 6:00 and started studying English from 6:50.

I finished studying of Duo3.0 eight laps at today.
This time,I was writing to memorize so it was easy to learn.
◆studying English:朝勉
・increasing vocabulary:DUO3.0 90分
・listening:究極の英語リスニングvol.1 60分
・English composition:スラスラ瞬間英作文(おかわりスラスラ話すための) 30分
・increasing vocabulary:でる順パス単英検準1級 60分

"The Machine Keeper" appears at gym these days.
He occupies the machines especially for chest for a long time.
My pace is disturbed by his behavior.
◆menu of workout:筋トレメニュー
・chest press(大胸筋) 100kg 8repx3set
・fly(大胸筋)100kg 10repx3set    
・shoulder press(肩・三角筋) 64kg  10repx3set
・dip 20repx4set
・sit ups(腹筋)60rep(20前、20右、20左 )x3set

Thanks to my older daughter's request , I could try to cook Fried chicken
for the first time.
At first I thought cooking fried food is too difficult for me but it was easier
than I've expected. She praised its tastes I sticked but looked bad.
I fried eggplants and green pepper at same time too but they didn't become
like "Tempura".
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Unknown (桂蓮)
2020-07-01 00:39:38
("Thanks to my older daughter's request , I could try to cook Fried chicken
for the first time.
At first I thought cooking fried food is too difficult for me but it was easier
than I've expected. She praised its tastes I sticked but looked bad.
I fried eggplants and green pepper at same time too but they didn't become
like "Tempura".)

Here are some different ways of what you wrote:
To take a request from my daughter I challenged Fried chickens.
I assumed it'd be hard to cook but turned out not worse than I expected.
My daughter said it was good even though they were looked horrible.
I also tried vegetables like eggplants and green peppers but neither of them not like I suppose to make.

Unknown (山K)
2020-07-02 21:29:25
Thank you your advices.
I had not understood the grammar of
"to-infinitive" of the top of sentence.
As you write, I found that native people
use this type in there sentences a lot .

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