karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Okunitama Shrine 大國魂神社

2016-01-05 14:50:00 | ノンジャンル
HK-san has been taking care of her parents at home—
by herself.

Her mother is almost 90 and her father is over 90.
She is younger than I by 7 years or so.

It must be exhausting work, even if she loves them
so much.

We often meet and enjoy talking over lunch
at a café DOUTOR in the neighborhood
when she has time to spare. .

On the second day of the New Year,
we visited 大國魂神社 in Fuchu.

We prayed silently.

Visitors to shrines look happy.
Their warm smiles keep me cheerful.

HK-san and I had a late lunch at a restaurant
in Kokubunji.

We talked about family-care.
We talked about nursing care.
We talked about our life.

We promised to see again
as soon as possible.

on New Year's Day

2016-01-01 20:23:00 | ノンジャンル
May the new year 2016 bring you all
much joy and happiness----

Peace on Earth, Happiness to you.

How did you spend your first day of the year?

Last night, on New Year's Eve, I stayed
with my daughter's family.

We talked a lot, had a delicious dinner,
enjoyed 年越しそば and watched 紅白歌合戦 on TV.

This morning, on New Year's Day,
my daughter prepared delicious お雑煮 and おせち料理.

I ate 2 pieces of rice cake.
I was surprised I had a good appetite.

Around 3 p.m. my daughter's family and I went
to a local shrine 熊野宮 by taxi.

There were a lot of people lining along the sidewalk
to the shrine.

We waited one hour and a half
and could finally pray before the shrine.

Then we went to a restaurant and had a light meal.

I came back to my apartment around 6 o’clock.

What happy days I spent
with my daughter's family!
Thank you so much, my beloved family.
