karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

my 1960's

2016-01-30 20:36:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning, while cleaning my rooms,
I happened to hear on the radio
some words such as 60年代, 安保闘争,
or 樺美智子さん.

And these words brought me back to my 1960s.

In 1960, When 樺美智子さん was killed
at the demonstration against 安保条約改定,
I was a third year student at a senior high school
in the isolated mountain district.

(karin in high school days)

There was no TV set in my house and I heard
of her death on the radio.

I did not know the details but I was so sad.

The next year, in 1961, I was admitted
to Niigata University.

Oh, I remember I was afraid of crossing zebra crossings
with traffic signals.

There were no traffic signals in my hometown,
because there were very few cars in my hometown.

Student movements at university were very active.

I was often invited to attend several political meetings
but I always refused to go to the meetings.

I was a nonpolitical.

I belonged to ESS, English Speaking Society.

The ESS members were from different departments
---Liberal arts, Science, Medicine or Education.

We enjoyed speaking English every day.

I enjoyed studying at university from 1961 to 1965.

In 1966 I got married my beloved, my husband.

(karin in bridal kimono)

In 1968 my only daughter was born.

(my only daughter)

How happy I was in my 1960s!