karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

The days are passing by

2016-01-14 22:22:00 | ノンジャンル
Several days have passed rapidly by
What did I do during these five days, I wonder?

On Monday, I enjoyed English with a few of my friends.

We had a long talk both in English and Japanese.

On Tuesday, I received an email from HK-san
and we met at a café DOUTOR and had a light lunch.

Then we walked to another café in the neighborhood
and talked a lot about many things.

On Wednesday, yesterday, my granddaughter koharu
didn't feel good and was absent from her high school.

I was happy to spend the day with her.

She is now all right. She went to school today.

Today, I enjoyed working hard as a volunteer waitress
in the community café.

I spoke to a lady who came to our café by herself.
It was my first time to see her.

She talked frankly to me about herself ----

She was 70 years old.
Her husband passed away three years ago.
Nothing could ease her grief.
She at last realized EVERYBODY IS ALONE
and decided to enjoy the rest of her life by herself.

I was glad she looked very happy to talk with me.

I do love talking with people.
I'd like to communicate warmly
with everybody.

(tamagawa-josui, today)

(cherry tree, today)