karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Friday English Circle 2016

2016-01-09 23:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I attended the first class
of Friday English Circle 2016.

The classroom was a Japanese tatami-mat room
at Kominkan.

Our new American teacher is very young,
maybe in her twenties, while we members are
all over sixty.

It's not two years yet since she came to Japan.

It was her first time to teach us in a Japanese tatami-
mat room.

All members except Ma-san and me sat in chairs.
Yes, Ma-san and I sat on the tatami mat.

And, to my surprise, our teacher sat on the tatami mat too!
I didn’t ask her why.

Each of us talked about our New Year's holiday.

Every member was talkative in broken English.

We were happy to see after an interval of three weeks.

My daily life has come back!