karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

I’m greatly shocked.

2011-12-13 22:01:00 | ノンジャンル
The owner of my apartment decided to pull down
the building and to build a new one.

Last Saturday he asked me to vacate the apartment
by the end of March.

It was a bad shock to me.

I began to look for an apartment

Yesterday I visited two real estate agents.

I was shocked again to find most apartment owners
would not rent a room to me because I am too old.

I’m at a loss what to do.

Last Sunday I joined ‘Green Road Walking.’

I enjoyed walking around トトロの森 and 狭山湖.

I walked 22560 in a day.

(Mt. Fuji and Lake Sayamako)

Amaryllis Concert, again

2011-12-10 21:03:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu’s mother (my daughter) has just opened
a Website for their performance:

★はじめてのチュウ・・・・作曲:実川 俊晴 / 編曲:武田 和大

作曲: ホセ・マンソ・ペローニ /  編曲: 武田 和大


I’d be happy if you enjoy it.

Thank you so much, 武田 和大-san!

my favorite place, Niigata

2011-12-09 22:00:00 | ノンジャンル
I had to attend a meeting at the community center
in the morning and left Tokyo in the afternoon.

It was quite dark when I arrived at Niigata Station.

“Here I am!,” I said to myself.
I went into my own house.
Oh, how lonely I felt!
Darkness had swallowed all my sweet memories.

I switched on all the electric lights in my house.
My face lit up with joy and happiness.
The lights eased my loneliness.

I’ve learned I should come home before dark---
when I come back to Niigata.

I cleaned my rooms.
I enjoyed being in my own house.

I said hello to my neighbors.
I enjoyed talking with my friends.

Thank you so much, Neighbors and Friends in Niigata!

(in Shirone)

(from my room upstairs)

(I used to walk along this path with my two dogs)

(the Japan sea, Yorii-hama)

(the rear of the restaurant where we had lunch)

(from the Shinkansen)