karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

nice view of Tokyo

2011-12-26 00:32:00 | ノンジャンル
Last night I stayed overnight at koharu’s house
and we had a wonderful time.

I came back to my apartment early this morning.

It was very cold outside.

The sky was so blue!

I saw frost columns on the ground.

I hurried to Shinjuku to meet Ms. M.

M-san: “Where shall we go?”

karin: “Anyway, let’s walk, shall we?
Let’s enjoy walking in the sun. ”

We walked on and on.

M-san: “Shall we go to the Observatory of 都庁?”

Karin: “Oh, it’s a good idea. Yes, let’s.”

We enjoyed a nice view of Tokyo from The South Observatory
of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.(都庁の南展望台)

Do you see Tokyo Sky Tree?

Do you see Mt.Fuji?

May the New year bring us all---
good health, happiness and contentment!