karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

my neighbors in Niigata

2010-11-16 09:45:00 | ノンジャンル
My neighbors in Niigata---they have been so kind to me.
I could not have lived so far without their help.

This time I saw many neighbors when I went to a supermarket
nearby or when I was sweeping the fallen leaves.

They all said, "Hi! karin-san! Welcome home! Long time, no see.
I'm very glad you look so fine. Is your daughter fine too?"

They always helped my daughter and me when I was in trouble.
They always encouraged me when my spirits sank.

I shall never forget their kindness as long as I live.

Thank you, neighbors!

(elementary school my daughter used to go)

(one of the paths I would often walk with my two dogs)

(maple leaves in my garden)

(from the Joetsu Shinkansen for Tokyo)

going home to Niigata

2010-11-12 23:38:00 | ノンジャンル
I'm going home to Niigata tomorrow.

The weather has been very bad in Niigata.

They've had many rainy and windy days.

I hope my house is all right.

It will be cloudy tomorrow.

I will open all the windows and freshen the air.

My own house in Niigata is a small old house.

But it is the most precious and dearest place
where I lived with my husband and daughter.

See you next week.

to Mt. Jimba

2010-11-09 09:35:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I climbed Mt. Jimba
after an interval of 7 years.

Mt. Jimba, 陣馬山, is 857 meters high.

I climbed the mountain with Mrs. Yoshida.

It was her first time to climb Mt. Jimba.

I was very afraid if I remembered the trail
to Mt. Jimba.

Anyway we went to Jimbakougenshita by bus.

At the start of the mountain trail
we saw two ladies.

They were so kind as to climb to the top
of the mountain with us.

We said good-bye after lunch.

Mrs. Y and I went down the same trail.

How happy I was to be able to climb
to the top of Mt. Jimba again!

one-day bus tour to Yamanashi

2010-11-07 13:04:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday was a perfect day for enjoying autumn leaves.
I joined a one-day bus tour to Yamanashi
First I visited Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art.

The museum is famous for its J.F.Millet's paintings.

The museum attendant gently explained to us
about each of Millet's paintings.

I enjoyed his paintings very much.

Our destination was Lake Kawaguchiko.
Mt. Fuji welcomed us.

I enjoyed glorious autumn colors.

I was so happy to see Mt. Fuji.

4th harmonica volunteering in 2010

2010-11-05 20:44:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday 10 members of Harmonica Circle
went to a nursing home for the aged.

20 people were waiting for us in a large room.

Most of them looked well..

They were singing loudly and happily
to our harmonica.

I enjoyed playing the harmonica so much.

What a happy day I had!

The songs we played on the harmonica were
as follows:

靴が鳴る    里の秋      紅葉
虫の声     月        人形
かなりや    牧場の朝     二人は若い
トロイカ    旅の夜風     船頭小唄
籠の鳥     好きになった人  ふるさと