karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Yamashita Kyoko-san's oil paintings

2010-02-10 23:46:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I went to Odakyu Shinjuku Department Store
and enjoyed Yamashita Kyoko-san's oil paintings.

Yamashita Kyoko-san is an artist,
who sometimes lives in Paris and sometimes in Japan.

Please read the following page.

Her oil paintings were full of beautiful colors.
I don't know how to express--yes, each color was beautiful.
Each of her paintings made me happy.

They were all attractive.
They were all so cute.

It was an exhibition and sale.
A lady bought one of her paintings.
How I wished I could afford to buy one of them!

I had a late lunch at a restaurant in the department store.