karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Yes, We Can.

2008-11-09 14:48:31 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I went to Hino City and met my friends.
I enjoyed chatting with them about current topics.
The biggest topic was on President-elect Barack Obama.

Obama reminds me of J.F. Kennedy.
Obama reminds me of Martin Luther King, Junior.
Obama's victory speech in Chicago reminds me of
his speech "I Have a Dream."

Obama has realized Martin Luther King's dream.

Around four in the afternoon, I said good bye to my friends.
I walked from Hino to Tachikawa and then caught a train
for Tokyo.

It was a delightful walk of about 50 minutes.

(on the way to Tachikawa Station--from Tappi-bashi
late in the afternoon)

By the way, I preserved karin in honey.