karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

hamster, koharu's pet

2008-11-25 22:17:58 | ノンジャンル
koharu has a hamster as a pet.
The she-hamster was born in August.
koharu bought it last month, in October
and named her Kan-na from Kan-na-zuki.

koharu must have studied hard about hamsters.
She knows anything about her hamster.

koharu had no school today.
koharu and I spent a happy day, drawing pictures,
playing badminton, playing the piano and talking a lot.

koharu did her exercise in arithmetic and I read
Chicken Soup.
koharu was learning about "square measure."
I told her not to ask me any questions about arithmetic.

koharu and I had pizza for lunch.
koharu had a good appetite.
koharu is really growing.