karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

climbing Mt.Shiroyama

2005-11-02 19:07:22 | ノンジャンル
It was such a beautiful autumn day again. I couldn't stay in this small apartment. I took a train to Takao, just made the bus to Kobotoke and began to climb Mt. Shiroyama.

Mt. Shiroyama is said to be an easy mountain to go up but for me it is a very difficult mountain to climb. You could hear my rough breathing in the woods. I have to go up and down steep slopes. I have to walk very carefully not to fall over. I always try to keep hold on trees or branches, because the slopes are often very wet or slippery.

After much difficulty I climb to the top of the mountain. Therefore, I feel a sense of achievement and happiness at the top of the mountain.

Yes, it is peaceful out there in the woods. Everything is wonderful there.

---autumn leaves in red I saw today

---autumn leaves in yellow I saw today

fallen leaves on the slope