karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

today's lunch

2005-11-08 00:01:52 | ノンジャンル
I had lunch alone at an Italian restaurant today. It has been long since I began to live by myself. In Niigata City I was unwilling to eat out alone, because it happened often that I was the only customer eating alone.

5 and a half years have passed since I began to live in a small apartment in Tokyo. Tokyo seems to me a nice city, because there are a lot of people who have lunch or dinner alone at a restaurant. I don't mind being alone---here in Tokyo. I can enjoy eating out anytime I'd like to.

Today's restaurant serves inexpensive Italian food. I had pizza with squid and anchovy, salad, a glass of red wine and two cups of apple tea. I had an easy and quiet time, and enjoyed my delicious lunch---alone in an Italian restaurant.

You can guess the name of this Italian food restaurant, don't you? Yes, you are right!

(I've got permission to put these pictures here, of course.)