karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

new teacher in Friday English Class

2018-06-08 20:35:00 | ノンジャンル
Our new American teacher,
Ms. MB, is very young.

She has two daughters---
one is 3 years old and the other 2.

This is her first experience to teach English.

She wants to be a teacher
when she goes back to America.

She is so cheerful.
She makes us happy.
She is so diligent.
She is trying her best to teach us English.

Today we studied English grammar
---Verb and Tenses.(動詞と時制)

1. Past Continuous
2. Present Simple Passive
3. Present Perfect
4. Future Intent
5. Present Perfect Continuous
6. Past Simple Passive
7. Future Prediction
8. Present Simple
9. Present Continuous
10.Past Simple

Then we enjoyed
‘Personal Information Quiz.’

Answering the following, we decided
the names of the tenses used in the answers.

When did you last see a film?
How many times have you been abroad?
What type of books do you like reading?
When was your car made?
How long have you been learning English?
What will the weather be like tomorrow?
What were you doing at 7 o’clock yesterday evening?
What are your parents doing?
Where are your classes taught?
What are you going to do after this course finishes?

Ms. MB says,
”Oh, how difficult to teach English Grammar!
I myself have to study much harder.”

I'm sure she will be a good teacher.

(today's photos 南天とグミ)