karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

my favorite radio program on Sunday

2018-06-03 09:51:00 | ノンジャンル
Every Sunday morning,
I listen to the radio program
音楽の泉 by 皆川達夫.

It starts at 8:05 and ends at 8:55.

I've been a great fan of this radio program
for a long, long time.

It's Sunday morning and I've just listened
to the program.

Usually I enjoy classical music on the program
but this morning the Italian chamber orchestra
イ・ムジチ合奏団, performed Japanese favorite
old tunes titled 日本の四季.

They performed 早春賦・城ケ島の雨・春の海・

As I've been so much moved
by these pieces,
I can't but write down here about my feelings.

Listening to these golden oldies,
I was filled with nostalgic sweetness.

All right. Let’s get started.
Have a nice day, everybody!

(written at 9:30, this morning)