karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

talking to myself

2017-05-15 22:53:00 | ノンジャンル
I feel I've lost a lot of strength
since my weight fell from 46 kg to 40kg.

My appetite is coming back
but my weight has not gone up.

I am happy I do not feel any pain.
I’m sorry I get easily tired these days.

Oh, how I wish I could volunteer to work
as a waitress in the community café!

I often go there as a customer to enjoy talking
over green tea.

I prefer to work as a voluntary waitress
instead of being a customer.

Will the day come again when I'll work
as a voluntary waitress in the community café?

Probably, NO.


Anyway I am happy I have 「今日行く(places to go)」 
and「今日用 (things to do)」every day.