karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Yurakucho

2017-05-08 09:53:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I went to 山口宏子san's exhibition
of photographs of 神楽の里 with two friends of mine.

It was held at PHOTO GALLERY in 新東京ビル.

山口宏子-san is a member of 能楽写真家協会.

神楽の里 means 宮城県石巻市北上町十三浜の大室地区,
which was totally destroyed by a tsunami caused
by The Great East Japan Earthquake 3.11.

People in 大室地区 lost everything but they decided
to restore their traditional performance art, 神楽.

山口宏子-san visited Tohoku many times and has been
watching how they are coming back to their life again.

We attended her gallery talk show.
She told us how 大室南部神楽 was restored.

A 能楽笛方 came to the show and played a tune on the 笛.

The tune sounded like a requiem.

He also told us how important it is not to forget
The Great East Japan Earthquake 3.11.

Every photo in the exhibition moved me deeply.

The meeting was over around 3:00 p.m. and
we walked toward to Tokyo Station.

On the way we saw a double-deck bus running
and wanted to try on a double-decker.

We enjoyed seeing the sights of central Tokyo
for 50 minutes by double-deck bus.

The course was as follows:
三菱ビル ⇒ 東京タワー ⇒ レインボーブリッジ ⇒
豊洲 ⇒ 晴海 ⇒ 築地 ⇒ 銀座 ⇒ 三菱ビル.

Thank you very much
for a happy day, Ladies!