karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

autumn in Niigata (3)

2006-11-23 22:15:15 | ノンジャンル
In the evening I came back to Nagaoka by bus,
then I caught a local train to Niigata City
instead of Shinkansen. I like a local train
very much.

In Niigata everybody I met welcomed me back.
They were all so kind to me. Everything was
all right with my home.

I met my good old coworkers.
Oh, how much I missed those old days and years!

autumn in Niigata (1)

2006-11-23 22:02:55 | ノンジャンル
On the first day I stopped off at Nagaoka for the night.
I met one of my good friends and enjoyed chatting with her.
After a big lunch, we went to Yukyuzan Park, where we
enjoyed walking.

I stayed at a hotel. I saw a beautiful sunset from the window
of my room at the hotel.

Early the next morning I left the hotel and went to my hometown
Tochio by bus.

on the way to Tochio (from bus window)