karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing


2006-11-06 16:05:06 | ノンジャンル
My grandson, who is a 1st year student
at junior high school, got a fever the day before
yesterday ---oh, Saturday Night Fever!
He had a headache, too.

He was absent from school today.
His mother took him to a doctor. He took a blood test
but the doctor could not find out anything wrong.
The doctor did not know what to do with his fever and

Let's see how things are going.
His fever has now come down to 37 degrees.
The headache is going away.
I hope he will soon be all right.

I took some pictures on my way home today.

(falling cherry leaves)

(Abutilon, Tyrolean lamp)

(Sasanqua, sazanka)