karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

a letter from Anne, my pen pal

2005-07-05 23:07:19 | ノンジャンル
Dear Chie,
I was so glad to hear from you. I hope your granddaughter's earache is gone, and she is feeling all better.

My earache is all gone, and it is great! I finally went to a ear specialist doctor, and he had some machine that took out whatever the problem was. I had gone to my primary care office 4 times with no real results. I also think that time helped. I also think that stress from the end of the school year made things worse. I am enjoying having the time off.

I have been cleaning my house since school has been out. I don't have the energy during the school year. I have done yardwork, also. I have had 3 doctor appointments( ear, ob-gyn physical, diabetes---all is fine), taken 3 of the 4 dogs to the vets for their annuals and medicine).

I have been to see my mother and have been able to do errands for her. My sister if fine and very busy. Presently she and her husband have gone on a cruise with their 3 daughters and their husbands.

On August 14 - 27 we are going on a cruise to Alaska. First we take a train through Canada .I still feel guilty about leaving my dogs. Isn't that silly? I haven't left them before. They are going to a very nice place, but I am truly worried about them.

As I write this, the dogs are by my feet. Kids are setting off firecrackers outside and the noise is scarring them. Apple can't hear anymore so she is content. Tomorrow will be more of the same, since it will be the 4th.

I am going to a friend's house for a cookout tomorrow. Everyone brings a dish to pass. I went out to eat with my mother today. She is doing fine, but the heat and humidity bothers her. She was anxious to get back home. I think she was going to play bridge(cards) after her nap.

Some girlfriends are taking me out to eat(again) on my birthday.
I hope your back is much better. Please feel better soon.
Good thoughts and much love,

sixth grade

2005-07-05 00:10:40 | ノンジャンル
I always live musing over past memories. The past lives in the present. It is true that young people live in the future and old people live in the past.

My grandson is in his sixth grade. He likes playing go, i-go, playing the piano, reading books, making plastic models and handicrafts, drawing pictures or illustrations.

He is interested in designing a robot. He made a small simple robot and took part in a certain robot contest for pupils. His dream is to study robots at university.

He reminds me of my days when I was his age.

This is a collection of compositions of my class-- sixth grade of elementary school. 51 years ago! I read it again and again. This is one of my most precious things.