karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

long walks in the mountains

2005-07-30 08:16:53 | ノンジャンル
It was very hot yesterday. I got up early in the morning and went hiking with a friend of mine.
It was my second hiking after I had my ankle broken.

This time I walked from Hikage-sawa to Mt. Takao, then to Iccho-daira, Shroyama, Kobotoke-touge and to Kobotoke bus stop. We walked very slowly, because we hadn't walked for months.

Sweat was oozing from every pore. Sweat was pouring down my face. I drank two 500ml bottles of water while I was walking. The hiking was very hard for me but it made me refreshed in mind and body. How happy I was when I returned to Takao Station! Yes, I made it.

The recent rains had raised the water of the stream Hikage-sawa. Usually only a stream of water channels its way between the big stones.