karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Do you like a rainy day?

2005-03-28 16:06:38 | ノンジャンル
It has been raining all day---not the pouring rain but the drizzly rain. Yesterday we had a lovely Sunday here in Tokyo. But today we have a blue Monday. It is not so warm as yesterday. I know rainy days are also necessary for all the spring flowers to wake from their long winter sleep.

I've just come home in the rain. I found it a little bit difficult to walk in the rain, because I had a stick in my right hand and an umbrella in my left hand. The road was wet and the toe of the stick was slippery. I should have not been out today.

Do you like a rainy day? Oh, yes, you do, if you have a pollen allergy. On rainy days you feel much better--no runny nose, no sneezes, no tearful eyes, etc.

I hope it will not rain after the cherry blossoms come out. Let them in bloom as long as possible. I heartily hope spring rain will not cause snowslides or landslides in those earthquake disaster areas--Chuetsu in Niigata and Fukuoka in Kyushu.

(Nursery Rhymes by Mother Goose)

Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day;
Little Johnny wants to play.