karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

White Day

2005-03-14 00:08:04 | ノンジャンル
It is well known that St.Valentine's Day was imported to Japan in 1950s by a Japanese chocolate company in order to increase sales of chocolate. When I first heard of White Day, I thought it was also an imported event. No, it wasn't.
A marshmallow manufacturing company is said to have created White Day to increase sales of marshmallows in 1960s. Perhaps the name White Day comes from the white marshmallows. Ironically, men who receive chocolate on St. Valentine's Day do not seem to return marshmallows. Most men will return not marshmallows but cookies, sweets, candies or flowers. Were there years when men returned marshmallows? I do not know.

Everything went well with a chocolate company. Nothing went well with a marshmallow manufacturing company, leaving only the name of White Day. By the way, gentlemen, what are you going to return to the ladies who gave you chocolate on St. Valentine's Day?

Sorry to say, I have nothing to do with St.Valentine's Day nor White Day this year. You know I could not go out, as I had my left ankle broken on January 26.