karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

English club

2005-03-12 00:13:58 | ノンジャンル
I belong to one of the clubs in the community center. The club is named Mrs. English. I heard that this club was formed 25 years ago by some housewives who liked English. They wanted to gather and study English together. I was surprised to know those ladies, raising their young children and taking care of their parents, gathered and had been studying English for 25 years--such a long time!

Most of the members have their own specialties, such as dressmaking, sewing quilts, cooking, calligraphy, paper folding, tea ceremony and so on. I admire them deeply. I am overwhelmed by their high motivation. They may be in their fifties, sixties or seventies. Indeed as is written in a poem, "Youth is not a time of life---it is a state of mind;"

We talk and read English with an American lady. She is as young as my daughter. She is such a good teacher. She does so well in the club where all members are as old as her mother. I admire her politeness, thoughtfulness and sincerity. She comes to the club with her son and daughter, because she herself teaches her children at home instead of sending them to school, that is homeschooling.

Four years have passed since I became a member of this club, but I am still the newest member. Some visitors came to our club but no one did not join us. I wonder why.