karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

5800 steps!

2005-03-06 00:29:02 | ノンジャンル
40 days have passed since I fell and broke my ankle. Three days ago, I went to see the doctor and was x-rayed. He said,"Take care. It will take you two more months to get all right." I was very disappointed to hear it.

Yesterday it was fine in the morning but the weather forecast said it would be snowy in the evening. I thought I should some vegetables for supper before it began to snow. After cleaning my room I went shopping in the supermarket which was located a little far away from my apartment. There's no shops around here.

Walking to the supermarket, I felt I was getting much better than when I walked a week ago. I was sure I was getting better day by day. Indeed time heals everything.
I visited my daughter after shopping, played dolls with my granddaughter and came back to my apartment. To my extreme surprise I found that I had walked 5800 steps so far ! Sorry to say I still have a little swollen ankle and I have a little pain when I walk.