

スイス 銀行守秘義務

2009-03-16 07:13:52 | 金融

Swiss agree to relax bank secrecy rules

Switzerland is to water down its bank secrecy laws, it said on Friday, after a week in which offshore banking centres from Liechtenstein to Singapore have bowed to international pressure to help tackle tax evasion.


Hans Rudolf Merz, Switzerland’s finance minister, stressed the core of the country’s bank secrecy laws would not change, meaning customers’ accounts would remain confidential in all but exceptional cases, such as criminal investigations. But he said Bern would abolish the strict distinction between tax fraud, a crime in Swiss law, and tax evasion, a civil offence.

銀行の守秘義務に関する法のコア部分は変えないけれど、犯罪的な投資に関するものなど、例外的なケースに限り情報を開示するということなんですな。tax fraudは刑事で、tax evasionは民事問題だ、という厳格な区別もなくす。



中国の需要刺激策 ロンドンエコノミスト

2009-03-15 10:43:04 | ロンドンエコノミスト


China's stimulus
Got a light?


In China, however, even this would understate the true stimulus, because some public-infrastructure investment will be done by state-owned firms or local governments and financed by banks.Adding in bank-financed infrastructure spending might lift the total to 4% of GDP.


Chinese investment in railways, roads and power grids is already booming. In the first two months of this year, total fixed investment was 30% higher in real terms than a year earlier, and investment in railways tripled.


China has cut its interest rates by only half as much as America’s Federal Reserve has. New figures showing that consumer prices fell by 1.6% in the year to February have brought the first whiff of deflation, suggesting that China has not done enough to boost demand. But this is not true deflation, where falling prices are accompanied by shrinking money supply and credit.


Bank lending grew by 24% over the past year. The true gauge of monetary easing is not the cut in interest rates, but whether it succeeds in spurring new lending. China is one of the few countries in the world where credit has accelerated since the start of the global credit crunch—though some of the lending is of the state-directed sort.


China has not only accomplished considerable fiscal and monetary easing. By allowing the yuan to rise by 18% in trade-weighted terms over the past 12 months, Beijing is passing on some of that boost to the rest of the world.




Exports fell by a sharper-than-expected 26% in the year to February and may yet drop further. The 12-month rate of growth in industrial production also dropped to only 3.8% in the first two months of 2009, and retail-sales growth slowed to 15%. But there are some tentative signs of a recovery in domestic demand. As well as the increases in investment and bank lending, car sales and electricity consumption have picked up. Mingchun Sun of Nomura reckons that the stimulus will be enough to achieve 8% growth this year.

輸出は26%ダウンし、もっと落ちそうだ。工業生産は3.8% 落ちている。消費支出の伸びは15%にダウン。(ダウンして15%かいな)




第二のウォルマートめっけ? ダラージェネラル

2009-03-13 07:13:42 | 小売

Target’s mass store opening to create 3,000 jobs

Target is planning to open this year, compared with the 114 stores it opened in 2008, which included launching 43 in a single day.



it plans to open 125-140 Supercenters and 17 of its smaller Neighborhood Markets, down from 191 new stores last year and 218 in 2007, when it announced it was slowing its US growth rate.



But the most dramatic expansion will come from Dollar General, which operates more than 7,000 small neighbourhood hard discount stores. It is planning to open 450 new stores this year, up from 210 in 2008, as its ultra-low cost foods and household goods pull in cash-strapped customers.


Dollar General’s fourth quarter sales increased 11.2 per cent ito $2.85bn, while its comparable-store sales improved by 9.4 per cent.



Dollar General does well despite bad

Dollar General's 2008 fourth quarter sales report, released in early February, says the company had an increase in same-stores sales of 9.4 percent for the quarter. The fourth quarter covers the months of November, December and January, said Tawn Earnest, another company spokesman.


The company's total sales in the fourth quarter of 2008 was $2.85 billion, up from $2.56 billion in fourth quarter 2007.
The reason for that, said Earnest, is shoppers are looking for ways to make their money stretch. Dollar General's business model is designed to offer value, which is what shoppers are looking for, she said, and smaller stores that essentially become neighborhood stores. Part of the business model for the company is putting stores 3 to 5 miles apart, Earnest said.


The other key to the company's good performance was the company decided a couple of years ago to close poor performing stores, refurbish some stores and bring back its private label brands, Earnest said.
In addition to the planned 450 new stores, Dollar General plans to remodel and relocate 400 current stores, according to its fourth quarter report.



英国トヨタ ワークシェア

2009-03-12 07:13:26 | 自動車

Toyota cuts UK worker hours

Toyota is to reduce pay and working hours at its factories in the UK, affecting 4,370 workers, in another sign of the declining health of the car industry.


Following extensive consultation with our employee representatives, and with input from all employees, it has been agreed that the best way to secure long-term employment is to temporarily reduce working hours and base pay by 10 per cent,” the company said in a statement.


All of the jobs affected are salaried full-time Toyota employees. The company no longer has any temporary or agency employees, having shed the 200 or so agency staff it employed over the past nine months.


A Toyota spokesperson said that the reduction in pay and hours would work out at one day less worked per fortnight.


The ten per cent really equates to half a day per week, so in effect, all employees will not attend work or receive pay for two days out of each month. What we will do is we will put half days together so effectively one day per fortnight, which will typically be a Friday, employees won’t attend work or receive base pay.“



金を推奨 UBS

2009-03-11 07:07:09 | マクロ経済

UBS recommendation fails to lift gold

UBS told investors on Tuesday to increase the weight of gold in their portfolios, warning that bullion prices could soar because the prospects of either deflation or inflation were “becoming more extreme”.


The Swiss bank, one of the most active gold dealers, warned of “a potential upside of $2,500 an ounce” as some hedge fund investors who made money last year by betting against investment banks are now buying gold as a way of betting against central banks.



UBS said that downside risks to gold prices were limited to about $500 an ounce, or less than 50 per cent below the current price, while the upside risk was for a surge of 170 per cent above current prices, to trade at $2,500 an ounce.





2009-03-10 07:17:58 | 金融

At Foreclosure Auction, Houses Sell, in a Frenzy

NYTが、ニューヨークJacob K. Javits Convention Centerでの競売の様子を伝えています。日曜日にあったんですな。 競馬の実況のようなオークショナーのアナウンスがあってから、次々に落札されてゆくわけですが、

Some 1,400 people were there, a crowd twice as large as the one last year, when the California-based Real Estate Disposition Corporation held its first foreclosure auction in the city, in a conference room at a Midtown hotel. But there were not nearly as many foreclosed houses then as there are now, said the corporation’s chairman, Robert Friedman.


The economy is much more severe these days,” Mr. Friedman added. “We’re seeing more foreclosures than any other time in the 19 years we’ve been in business, and we have auctions almost every day all across the country, sometimes more than one auction a day.”


The audience was roughly divided into three categories. There were experienced bidders, many of them investors who have made careers of buying, fixing up and selling foreclosed homes for below-market prices — and quick profits. There were the novices, who looked at once lost and awestruck, their eyes darting between the booklet listing the houses that were up for grabs and the screens that showcased them as the bidding went on. Finally, there were the curious, like Ashley Durham and her fiancé, Darnell Smith, who plan to marry in May.


Outside the Javits Center, some 20 protesters — among them labor leaders, antiwar activists and someone from City Councilman Charles Barron’s office in Brooklyn — were critical of both the auction and the billions of dollars the federal government has devoted to bailing out financial institutions. One protester held a sign that read: “R.E.D.C. made $3 billion last year by auctioning off working people’s homes. Bail out the people — not the corporate predators.”



サーキットシティ 清算セール終わる

2009-03-08 10:47:02 | 小売

安売り不十分と客怒る サーキットシティ清算



Circuit City Liquidation Sale Will End Sooner Than It Expected

Circuit City Stores Inc. will finish its going-out-of-business sales by March 8, earlier than the bankrupt company, once the second-biggest U.S. electronics retailer, had projected.


Consumers reacted positively to the going-out-of-business sales, which offer discounts of as much as 80 percent to 90 percent on some products, Carpenter said yesterday in a phone interview.


The group of four liquidators, which beside Great American include Hudson Capital Partners LLC; SB Capital Group LLC, and Tiger Capital Group LLC, guaranteed creditors would get the first 70.5 percent of the value of the $1.2 billion to $1.3 billion in inventory, according to court papers.


“We will be able to fulfill all of our obligation to that agreement,” Carpenter said.


If the sales had fallen short, the liquidators promised to make up the difference.


Today we are seeing liquidators being more cautious, and that means lower guarantees for creditors,” said Jonathan Henes, a bankruptcy lawyer at Kirkland & Ellis LLP in New York.


When it began Circuit City’s going-out-of-business sales in January, Great American expressed caution about its ability to meet its guarantee.



ウォルマート強し 2月売上

2009-03-06 07:12:49 | 小売

Wal-Mart Reports February Sales Results

4 Weeks Ended Percent
2/27/2009 2/29/2008 Change

Walmart U.S. $20.071 $18.560 8.1%
International 6.475 7.262 -10.8%
Sam's Club 3.472 3.366 3.1%
Total Company $30.018 $29.188 2.8%


On a constant currency basis (assuming exchange rates remained the same as the prior year), International sales increased 9.9 percent in the February period. With a 20.7-percent impact from currency exchange rates, reported sales decreased 10.8 percent in the International segment. These results include sales data from Distribucion y Servicio D&S S.A., whose results are now consolidated in Wal-Mart International.


Four Weeks Comparable Store Sales
Without Fuel With Fuel Fuel Impact
2/27/2009 2/29/2008 2/27/2009 2/29/2008 2/27/2009 2/29/2008

Walmart U.S. 5.0% 2.6% 5.0% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0%
Sam's Club 5.9% 3.1% 2.1% 5.5% -3.8% 2.4%
Total U.S. 5.1% 2.7% 4.5% 3.0% -0.6% 0.3%

既存店売上で見ても、USで4.5%の伸び(with fuel)。はあ。ふう。


"We believe falling gas prices significantly boosted household disposable income in February and therefore allowed for both more trips and more spending towards discretionary categories."





実質賃金の改善 →  消費支出の拡大


がソリン価格の低下 = 実質賃金上げ(インフレ調整後という意味で)と見れば、ウォルマートで、その動き、つまり、家計が支出を拡大させているということが実感されている、という風にも取れないわけじゃないですな。これまで売れてなかったものが売れ始めた、今までより裁量支出を増やしていると言うんですからね。


クライスラー インセンティブ拡大す

2009-03-05 07:16:40 | 自動車

お笑い お荷物クライスラー

Chrysler, Kia tops in incentives


Chrysler LLC and Kia Motors led the industry on incentives in the U.S. auto market last month, which experts say is one of the highest for incentive spending in recent history.

Chrysler incentives rose 34.6% last month, compared to February 2008, to an average of $5,148 per vehicle, according to Autodata Corp. While its overall sales declined 44%, Chrysler’s retail sales to consumers in showrooms fell only 26% last month. Retail sales exclude fleet sales to businesses and governments.


Ford’s incentives declined 21% last month to an average of $3,037 per vehicle. GM’s discounts jumped 14% to an average of $3,435 per vehicle and Toyota’s rose 21.5% to $1,584 per vehicle.




2009-03-03 06:59:52 | マクロ経済




Consumer spending, incomes rebound in January

U.S. consumer spending rebounded in January, snapping six months of declines, and incomes rose unexpectedly, boosted by salary increases for government employees, a government report showed on Monday.


The Commerce Department said spending rose 0.6 percent, the largest increase since May, after falling an unrevised 1 percent in December, and beating economists' expectations for a 0.4 percent advance.


Incomes advanced 0.4 percent, also posting the biggest increase since May, after December's 0.2 percent decrease, and above market expectations for the a 0.2 percent decline.


The department attributed to rise in incomes to pay raises for federal civilian and military employees, as well as cost-of-living adjustments to several government transfer payments programs. It said excluding these factors, incomes increased by 0.2 percent in January.


But the gains in January are likely to be temporary as wages and salaries continue to fall amid a deepening recession.




