I packed training and studying into the Sunday morning.
First, as usual I took a selfie of my body in front of a mirror after muscle training
and I had pictures of 20th wedding anniversary taken at an photo studio.
Thanks to a nice camerawoman, we got pictures with burst laugher.
◆studying English:朝勉
・increasing vocabulary:DUO3.0 60分
・listening:TOEICTESTリスニングTARGET600 30分
・listening:TOEICTESTリスニングTARGET900 30分
◆menu of workout:筋トレメニュー
・one hand rowing(大円筋) 27.5kg 10repx3set
・dumbbell french press(上腕三頭筋) 10.0kg 10repx左右3setずつ
・dumbbell shoulder press(三角筋) 17.5kgx2 10repx3set
・concentration curl(上腕二頭筋) 17.5kg 10repx左右3setずつ
・dumbbell fly (大胸筋)22.5kgx2 10repx3set
・dumbbell press (大胸筋)27.5kgx2 10repx3set
・sit ups(腹筋) 60repx3set ←7.5kgウエイト頭に抱えて
・push up(腕立て)60repx3set