karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on January 25, 2021

2021-01-25 13:36:00 | ノンジャンル
We had two cold rainy days---
yesterday and the day before yesterday,
I mean.

It was a light rain, not a heavy rain.

It was a blessed rain for all plants, I think.

We had very little rain both in November
and in December.

It's sunny today.

Oh, what a lovely day!

I did a lot of washing and hung the laundry out
to dry.

Then I visited my daughter.

How comfortable to walk in the sun!

Don't be so depressed, Karin, about the ongoing
coronavirus pandemic!

I enjoy walking to my daughter's house
twice a day---in the morning and in the afternoon,
as I often write here.

I go shopping at a nearby supermarket
every other day.

I make it a rule to stay at home but walking
in the open air is necessary for me to stay healthy.

Are you enjoying your staying at home?

(Tamagawa-josui, this morning)