karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

autumn sky, this morning

2019-09-22 10:29:00 | ノンジャンル
What a lovely day!

I took a picture of
beautiful autumn skies
from my veranda.(at 9:00)

Autumn is my favorite season.

I'm sorry autumn has come with typhoons.

I'm always afraid of typhoons' bringing
great damage to us.

Typhoon No.15 has caused great damage to
the lifeline of their daily life, their houses,
their forests and fields, their crops, etc.

Another big typhoon, Typhoon No. 17,
has come to to Okinawa and Kyushu.

It is advancing on northern Japan.


More and more Typhoons are coming
year by year.

Typhoons are getting more and more
powerful year by year.

It is because of 'Climate Change’
caused by global warming, I hear.

I hope we can find some solutions
to these problems in the near future.

(at 9:00, this morning)