karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

raining all day

2018-03-08 22:45:00 | ノンジャンル
It has been raining all day
here in Kodaira.

It is too cold to walk in the rain.

But I had to walk in the cold rain
after lunch.

We’ll be within the storm zone
tomorrow morning.

Traffic in the city will fall into confusion,
I’m afraid.

I hope the spring gale will not cause
any disasters.

I am worried about abnormal weather.

the hinamatsuri festival

2018-03-03 21:30:00 | ノンジャンル
Did you enjoy the hinamatsuri?

March 3 is called the Peach sekku,
or the hunamatsuri, the Doll Festival.

I went to see my daughter in the afternoon.

She alone was at home.

I was happy to have a relaxed talk
with her.

She is always busy studying physics
both at college and at home,
so I have few chances to talk to her.

We talked and laughed eating ひなあられ.

When I came back to my apartment,
I found a fat envelope in the mailbox.

It was a lovely gift from IY-san,
a good old friend of mine in Niigata!

How nice to hear from her!

Thank you so much, IY-san.

(on the way back to my apartment, at 5:00pm)

(a lovely gift from IY-san)