karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

the word 101

2015-07-26 10:51:00 | ノンジャンル
As I often write I am a member of Friday English Circle
at Kominkan.

We have three classes a month.

On the third Friday we read a story, which is 3 or 4 pages long,
from the book Chicken Soup.

The third Friday class was cancelled this month,
and we had our class on the fourth Friday, instead,
because our new American teacher had something to do
on the third Friday.

On July 24, we read a story from the book Chicken Soup.

The title was ‘Innovation 101.’

It was a heartwarming story.

I wondered what the number 101 meant.
I asked our American teacher about it.

‘101' is an adjective( 形容詞 ) meaning
“basic, elementary knowledge for beginners.”

It is used as follows:

Cooking 101
Wine 101
Diet 101
Economics 101

‘101’is pronounced ‘one-O[ou}-one.

It's interesting to know
about words or expressions I didn’t know.