karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to the art museum in Shinjuku

2015-07-11 23:34:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I went to Sompo Japan Nipponkoa
Museum of Art in Shinjuku with a friend of mine.

We enjoyed an exhibition of 安野光雅 M. Anno’s

The exhibition was held on the 42nd floor
of the building.

113 of his paintings were displayed---
paintings of European landscapes.

Many of them reminded me of my tours
to Europe.

Mitsumasa Anno's paintings touched me deeply.

We walked to Shinjuku Isetan in the hot summer heat.

Shinjuku was crowded and lively.

I felt very happy walking to the department.

We had a late lunch at a restaurant in Shinjuku Isetan.

I was very hungry and 梅おろし蕎麦 was delicious!

We enjoyed talking a lot on the train back.

We had a coffee break before saying good bye.

What a wonderful day we had!

I walked 10478 steps today.

to Morning Glory Fair in Kunitachi

2015-07-06 22:35:00 | ノンジャンル
I would often visit Kunitachi to enjoy cherry blossoms.

This street is famous for its beautiful cherry blossoms
in spring.


Yesterday morning I went to 「くにたち 朝顔市」.
It was my first time to go to the 朝顔市.

I bought this one for 1500 yen.

I put the pot at the entrance of my daughter's house.

Wow! Another flower has come out!

Yes, this flower is appropriately named
‘朝顔’ in Japanese
and ‘morning glory’ in English.

horseback riding

2015-07-04 09:38:00 | ノンジャンル
I had something to do in Kokubunji yesterday.

Because of the pouring rain, buses were all late
and my lower half of the body was wet through!

Anyway, here I am Kokubunji Station.

A young lady with leaflets came to me
and asked me to listen to her.

About what? About horseback riding!

She told me the details about the riding school.

“Come and experience riding. You can do it.

It's now or never (今でしょ).”

Oh, I wished I could enjoy riding!

How wonderful to mount a horse
and cross the plains!

I said to her,
“Yes, I'd like to attend your trial lesson.

Horse riding has been one of my dreams.”

She looked delighted at my answer and said to me,

“ You are of course aged 70 and under?”


I'm sorry to know I am too old