karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

today's weather

2015-07-30 23:20:00 | ノンジャンル
What changeable weather!

In the morning I saw lovely flowers 芙蓉
along Tamagawa-josui. The sun was shining.

(11:00 a.m. this morning)

I worked as a volunteer waitress in the afternoon.

(1:15 p.m. today)

It suddenly got dark outside
and the thunder rolled in the sky.

The thunder roared, the lightning flashed
and it began to rain very hard.

A heavy thunderstorm passed over my city.

(1:47p.m. in front of the cafe)

The thunderstorm lasted for one hour.

Then the sun appeared again.

(3:12p.m. in front of the cafe )

And I enjoyed the beautiful evening sun!

What a day!