karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on the 1st of May

2015-05-01 23:16:00 | ノンジャンル
What a beautiful day!

This morning I walked along Tamagawa-josui
when I went to my daughter's house.

Blue skies, green leaves and the gentle wind
made me happy.

On April 29, my daughter's husband went home
to Kyushu to see his parents.

All the other members of her family went to school
on April 29, April 30 and today.

My daughter and her son attended classes
at each university even on a national holiday.

koharu joined the brass band club
at her high school and she is very busy every day.

She has no Golden Week.

My daughter has been very busy
since she started her university life.

She says she greatly enjoys her university life.

But I'm concerned about her busy life.

What a relief!
She has no class until May 6.

(Do you see クワの実?)